Weekend one is in the bag! Congrats to the 68 players making it the second highest attendance for the summer movie pool in 21 years. The prize money breaks down as follows:
1st Place = $500.00
2nd Place = $100.00
3rd Place = $30.00
Bonehead Award = $10.00
The remaining $40 will apply towards administration to the website(domain and hosted server maintenance). A nice haul for the champ. This year we are also raising the bounty with custom trophies for both the first-place winner and the bonehead – expect to see these trophies shortly – they arent quite ready for primetime just yet…
On to the weekly breakdown – No suprises as Avengers 3 once again dominated the box office with $112.5 million, pushing it over the billion dollar mark, making history with it becoming the fastest film to make it to a billion dollars. The second place film, new release Overboard, clocked in at a respectable 14.75 mil. Probably not enough to carry it to the top 15 this year, but much better than the $7,479 that Guardians pulled in (no zeroes are left off that number) – making it a strong contender for the Bonehead award, but maybe they will extend the theatre count beyond the single theatre it was released in. Now that everyones picks are out there for scorn and ridicule, we can take a look at where everybody sits, and start counting down until the end where players see themselves fall out of contention as their movie drops from 3rd place, to 4th place, to fifth. I’ve been there. It sucks.
7 identical picks – ctouart, jklein, jmoore, naustin, nritchey, swang, wwhitten
5 identical picks – cmcmillan, cperone, jspence, kcantrell, kchoomack
5 identical picks – afranklin, madolphus, mwalters, sberg, tfiore
4 identical picks – garredondo, jfhartle, lvu, mchapman
2 identical picks – jballard, kperone
2 identical picks – mmcmahon, mmcpherson
2 identical picks – dberg, harendall
2 identical picks – faro75, jheine
2 identical picks – dlogan, wadolphus
2 identical picks – hmartin, llogan
2 identical picks – dreese, gmandella
2 identical picks – eacayan, wjones
If you didn’t make the list above, congratulations! you get to sit back and relax if your pics do well as you will have nobody to compete with and not suffer like the souls above who didn’t march to the beat of their own drummer, like you have. One of those souls gets the added bonus of coming out of the gate on fire, selecting two films in the first weekend of summer. If the prize money went to, “who is in first place after the first weekend”, you would be the winner! Unfortunately, the only thing that your picks got you was two movie pool posters, which in some people’s eyes, is worth more than the prize money! Congrats Ted, you earned it!
– MC